Sunday, May 25, 2008

Georgia Renaissance Festival

We went to the Georiga Renaissance Festival on Sunday, May 25th, 2008. We had a really good time. Ethan rode a huge slide and a children's joust swing. He also got to get on stage during one of the shows as a helper. It was so funny, he just stood there looking like he had stage fright. I told him he could smile, but he just stood there. When we went for the children's knighting ceremony, they had the time wrong in the program and we were 30 minutes late. The nice thing was that the queen was still there, and so we asked her about the time discretion. She apologized and offered to do a personal knighting. She told Ethan that a knight had to be noble and care for the weak. She asked if he helped with his baby brother. He said yes. She turned to her people and said, "Ah, he helps the weak." Then she asked if he obeyed his parents. He said, "Sometimes." I looked at the queen and said, "See, he's honest." She agreed. Then she dubbed him Sir Ethan. It was a really good day.

1 comment:

Helen Wright said...

Very cute pic of Eli!
How was the festival? I heard about it and was tempted to go.
I have a couple of friends back home who are in to all that 'stuff'. I call it their freak thing. Thing is...most people I know in it meet their spouses. So, in a way I kind of see it as a marriage mart! ;)